90 years of history: a photo-graphic story for the new showroom.
The stairs between the two floors of the headquarters become a timeline to tell the story of the company in images.
Rossini Illuminazione, Segrate
During this 90 years of activity and the renovation of its headquarter, Rossini Illuminazione – a top player in the lighting industry – had the will to enhance the main stages of its history within the new spaces.
As part of the set-up and architectural project carried out with PRR Architetti, we have identified the stairs that connect the two floors of the building as the ideal place for this purpose, interpreting the warm wooden handrail as a perfect timeline to tell the story of the company for images.
We therefore worked alongside the Rossini family to identify the most suitable photographic material to represent the different stages. A search in the company’s archives that has become the basis on which to develop the entire project: a real exhibition in images, entitled Our History, which starring the evolution of the company in the 90 years of its family history.
The photos and the original pieces, enhanced by frames and illuminated one by one, create a narrative journey in stages, described and proposed with a contemporary and museum approach.
In this way we have enhanced an often anonymous but very popular service space, bringing the customer closer to the story of a family business on the occasion of the important anniversary.